
We’ve been creating original concepts for new products entering the market, and designing and developing existing brands for many years.

Our approach

You can trust us to take your ideas and brand, and translate them into effective, engaging packaging that meets your marketing needs, and regulatory and print requirements.

Packaging design by TCT


Here’s a range of wonderful, healthy lifestyle products we worked on with our fabulous client, Creative Nature. Using original illustrations, we created a unique look to help them stand out in this competitive marketplace. All gluten, dairy and wheat free, these are now available in stores and supermarkets across the UK.

Creative Nature packaging

Case Study


A great project with our international friend Hugh, to design a range of labels (loads of them) for a French organic mushroom producer. You’ll find them on the shelves in Carrefour and Monoprix.

Champicarde mushroom packaging

It’s not all food

Over the years we’ve worked on a whole range of interesting packaging projects for items as diverse as a special limited edition boxed set of Peter Pan books for Harrods (we designed a very nice box), a range of electrical items including professional microphones and lead adapters, and even licenced toy ranges for kids.

Harrods and Miffy packaging

It’s pet products too

A huge on-going project for us is the extensive range of pet products for the pet product wholesaler Bestpets (whose brand we built). Items designed for the range include large products like their 20kg pack of rabbit food, right down to the small stuff, like fish food.

Take a look:

Bestpets pet product packaging

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